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How to deal with the fading of the anti-theft door facade?
The anti-theft door is the first door that every family will think of when choosing an outdoor door. It is also the most popular and best-selling door on the market. The anti-theft door can achieve good anti-theft function and protect The safety of the whole family and the safety of property have also eliminated many hidden safety hazards. After a long time of use, the facade of the anti-theft door has faded, so today let Xingyu facade processing talk about how to deal with the faded facade of the anti-theft door?
In many homes, there is a phenomenon that the facades of anti-theft doors placed outdoors will have the problem of fading and discoloration, especially when they are directly exposed to the sun, they will be very unsightly. In fact, there is no maintenance in normal times. relationship. If the color fades, it is time to repair. Polyester paint is used relatively more, and the film is formed quickly and the effect is better. It can well repair the fading situation of anti-theft door facade, including some other facades, such as stainless steel door facade, copper door facade and so on.
Prevention is greater than remedy. This sentence is right. As long as the anti-theft door facade is regularly maintained and maintained, it will not fade. Reasonable maintenance can make the anti-theft door facade more novel and extend its service life. Therefore, if you take a few minutes for maintenance, you will find that the remedial step is really redundant. If you need Karmen facades, cast aluminum door facades, embossed facades, anti-theft door facades, interior door facades, please contact the manufacturer.